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Every passing minute is another opportunity to cha

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 26 June 2010 05:06 (A review of Vanilla Sky)

Alarm ...

You open your eyes, and a little humidity around forever. The room is dark: the first rays of the sun newly risen recently painted space in the soft golden-pink palette. Exhausted after sleeping hand automatically reaches for the alarm clock to turn off so familiar to you female voice. Quite casually getting up from one of those funny poses, where you always wake up, you stately stretches and mentally want to pick up the remote. Ideas become a reality - television remote control in your hands and getting up, you begin to slowly wade in a bathroom by turning off the remote control on the way coming to the floor doroguschy widescreen TV ...

It's no secret that the Vanilla Sky - a remake of Spanish film "Open Your Eyes" with deservedly moved in here and Penelope Cruz. To say so explicitly, and the forehead is not quite fair to tape Cameron Crowe, for the veteran director added to his creation more than the arrogant excuse of "Made in Hollywood" and the constellation of American actors. Script creator Jerry Maguaera, "" Almost Famous ", but on this day," Elizabethtown "is recognizable very easily thanks to the bright palette of films, always excellent sound, characters, radiating a kind of vital energy that really can be caught in humans.

But David had already got out of bed and continues to trend toward the bathroom ... The audience-pioneers opened the eyes of this picture of Cameron Crowe and they are ignorant, like myself, David, what awaits them further.

That vanilla sky, which draw himself while watching, feeling like a true artist of his inner world and the perceptual system, created mixed strokes. Allusions - faithful companion seen. Many of the issues raised is under a fertile ground for reflection. Each event is issued, ideally, every gesture, glance, word that became part of the story, where the established tenets of its own perception can become a victim of the quantitative confirmation of a theory and the existence of no less meaningful rebuttal. This subtle detail, and with each viewing them becomes only greater.

Who is this David? Rich, owner of a major magazine publisher, whose birthday may well congratulate himself Steven Spielberg (look carefully in order not to miss the pleasant hint), a charming, handsome, but the victim of a situation, insane crazy people around him or selfish, neither as a whose feelings? Dreamer or playboy?

All other David painted for himself personally, not trying to look deeper, whether it's friend or lover Julie Bryan, and only fleetingly in Sofia he caught something that is clean, innocent, virginal, unspoiled money, status, city, and like any child pulled his hand the unknown. But that's the irony - David Ames - a large child, and who knows what will happen when he played enough with it. She is in his view - his own sketch in pencil and is not an angel, and people. Still, it is naive in Sofia Ames saw a ray of hope, hope for true love.

Brian - probably the only one who can call David a friend, but one if he was? He envies the young white Eames envy or let the gossip about him behind his back? There is no denying that this is significant for the main character a man, but whether the rights of David, podpuskaya this person so close?

"We made love four times last night" - Julie
"Is it good?" - David
"Two - well, three - very good. But four ... "- Julie
"Four - incredibly well?" - David
"Four ..." - Julie
"Four what?" - David
"Hold me and I'll go, but you can go back and talk with the resourceful brunette" - Julie
"Four - what's that?" - David

These lines are almost completely describe Julie and the position in which it is located. 4 times - this is more than just a word.

«What if God was one of us»

By David lives in his own little world and not pay attention to paint real life. He is a great artist, creator, designer of this world, but something has changed, when he met Sofia, everything changed when he sat in that car. Trying to recover the past and head in the clouds, or open his eyes and down to earth? He made his choice.

And yet David, as a hostage of his own mind, makes its journey, the audience looking at a holistic picture of the master Crow. Curiously watching the touching, scary, mysterious story told against the backdrop of autumn ever in New York. Observe, as without the excellent cast under the wing of a wonderful director becomes unforgettable brightest characters; prejudice to the Hollywood actor drop out of themselves, like the fallen leaves of autumn tree. And finally, a magnificent playlist with Paul McCartney's, Radiohead, REM and others caught a photographic memory of every scene, with its own magic, and after such a weightless, as each song sounded, view, arrive at the story itself, perhaps, discover something new, something that may have always hovered near something for my soul.

This movie again and again returns to the seats, and each time whispering sweet charm that was given us life, which must be treasured every passing second, smiling in the sun, barely peeping through the clouds in the very cloudy weather.

Just take a summer sunset on the roof of his house.

Just open your eyes.

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Living with a person whom you love, as difficult a

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 26 June 2010 04:46 (A review of Revolutionary Road)

After the first view, coming out of the cinema, I could not find a suitable phrase to somehow sum up what I saw. After watching the movie a second time, the words themselves come out.

"Revolutionary Road" - a real strong drama, not pitying one and boldly baring the realities of life.

Family Wheeler, who brought the viewer is at a certain stage of relations. They have two children, Frank makes his living, April contains a house. They're friends with the family in the neighborhood, a local realtor would drop at times to them at tea. Most ordinary married couple.

Paris. Yes, one day his wife turns to her husband: "Remember how you wanted it that way in Paris? You said that there is another life. After all, to live as you want. " And like everything was clear, he agreed, she buys tickets, neighbors puzzled as non-standard solution of friends. Next dream.

And this is where life is setting its priorities. Out pops up all the things that can not hide and tuck in a black box. As the image on the film revealed disagreements, contradictions, irreconcilability good small, the family man Frank, and the failed actress, but a very strong woman April.

Their marriage was doomed in advance. Too different, they were people, they Wheeler. And the attitude to the family they have bipolar, and the vision of the world. Clearly understand the position of Frank. April's "split" me later. Trying to fulfill the dream of her husband, she clutched at her like a rope of salvation to a better life. This desire to escape. But where and from whom, when everywhere all the same?

Half-open door into their world opens to us the lives of many families, someone will see in the films reflected, someone will just endure a storm of emotions and a flurry of thoughts, torn from the inside. And you can not make this right or wrong aside, here it is - life, without embellishment and pathos. It has been and it will be.

You can blame him, you can blame everything on it. Yes, there is simply no one guilty or innocent parties to the marriage. Coexistence condemns the participation of both parties in the relationship and the responsibility for which the answer both.

John, the same psychopath who twice visited by Wheeler, it just opened pours out the whole truth, in which they are afraid to admit to each other. The trio of actors - DiCaprio, Winslet, Shannon - a rich game that admires and not dare to contradict. Just for the sake of such an alliance is to watch a movie.

And that presented the viewer, mercilessly hits him somewhere inside. After the first viewing, I think, can hardly be really something to pour out. Therefore, "Revolutionary Road" desperately to be reviewed later. But this is a sign of a splendid drama, which knows no time frame. It looks easy, perceived rapidly. Being aware of each time more clearly and distinctly.

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Remember us, because we too have lived, loved and

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 26 June 2010 04:44 (A review of Shutter Island)

"Remember us, because we too have lived, loved and laughed."

This title can be placed on the door of each house of the planet Earth and what?

At least one word of this inscription is to attend a lie.


Surprise will be for the majority, the word "loved".

Question on vskidku:

Who can say that he knows everything about the word "Love", that will be a liar, because of Love, in fact, none of the people living on Earth today do not know anything, Koroma counterfeit labels that people themselves stuck on the mystery called Love.

Fake sticker with the word "Love" will mean an error of perception of love, which inevitably leads to an error translating the human understanding of love in life and this is confirmed by the existence of everyone today and yesterday, and, unfortunately, tomorrow, because the world has not stopped the war between men and war inside of every person in the world of thieves under this sun and sky.

The film "The Island of the Damned" is another story just one episode of one of the human soul from all billions of human lives, mutilated false understanding and perception of the word love.

And what?

I am sorry that no one write a review for this film to me and even the director of the film, the famous Hollywood dreamer, Martin Scorsese, even he is not stressed out the last monologue by Andrew at this very beautiful mystery of the universe, called "Love" so that the audience really pondered, and realized the source of the truth of the tragedy of the human soul, not knowing the reasons for their own troubles and problems just because humanity today has done everything to distort, humiliate and desecrate the very concept of love.

Again, no one wrote a review about this movie, not even close to his perception to the understanding of Andrew's last words that they say these words awakened in the heart of the Marshal of the first drops of love that led him to the last moments of the film lie Lester Shin, continuing, now, deliberately, to play the role of Edward Daniels, but is now conscious and in the punishment itself, resulting in the execution of the decision of the Court's own conscience over himself before the eyes of the medical and prison administration, taking as his second script, Andrew Leddisa lobotomy, which he personally invited, immediately, to execution.

Only a single shadow speculation that Andrew himself appointed himself informed of the sentence for Marshal Daniels, dashed like lightning in a gesture of silent testimony from his doctor, played superbly this micro-plot of understanding of the situation created by just a newborn love for life and people from the parties realize a murderer and a dangerous man to society this Leddisom Andrew.

I think that the beauty and genius of this movie climax seconds before the end did not realize the director himself.

I wish you all think about what I said, right here and now, because of the value perception of a new look at the movie "The Island of the Damned" and is in the beauty of the latest revelations about the madness of our modern world, do not know love.

So, my friends, in our real life better, to live monsters blunt modernizing political economy of selfishness or known the dying moments of truth, love of man apostolic of altruism?

That is the question today of the current crisis of power inside, of ourselves, and foreign authorities, where there was all of us building "C" on a global scale, on an island called Earth, without borders and colors of the flags?

Yes, this is revealed in full growth now the issue before the conscience of every living now, in the early 21 century, by Christmas of Love.

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I`m not a girl, Not yet a Woman

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 26 June 2010 04:40 (A review of Crossroads)

"Crossroads" - one of my favorite movies. And not even because of the fact that it is amazing Britney Spears, whom I love and respect, but simply because it is a very sweet, kind, good and Neskuchne movie. Its nice to see at night, during the day ... at any time of day, and the film will not get you, and you're not going to think: "When will this nonsense?".

Yes, of course, is not a brilliant movie, probably even far from brilliant, but that he is treated as a complete lack of talent, in my view, unfairly.

In some opinions read that "Crossroads" is more like a drawn-out clip. Even if so, is it bad? After all the clips look good, or better yet if they have a lot of sense and they made a good zvukosoprovozhdenie, as in this picture! So everything is fine on the criteria of the video, and youth movies too!

History, as shown in the movie, of course, commonplace, such a picture shot too many, but they never get tired of watching, especially if the movie played pretty good actors, or just great people-celebrities.

Personally the game I really liked Britney, and that she recognized the worst actor on the "Razzie" appreciably only real movie critics and the audience is interested in the least, and the average person is very pleased by the game all the actors, and most importantly, because that people should not worry about something important during such nice films melodramas, he should enjoy watching!

Simple, but it is always popular and never aging a story about a pretty girl, who dreams of becoming a singer and fell into a handsome, do not spoil, but all the pluses: the star-Britney Spears, nice soundtrack, beautiful picture, famous actors (Justin Long, Kim Cattrall , Zooey Saldana, Dan Aykroyd), a replica boring, funny phrase, the spirit of youth is very beautiful movie!

After this film was very fond of the song «I» mot a girl, Not yet a Woman »- a touching and beautiful ballad. Just because she can see the movie, and when at the end of Brit performs «Overprotected» - super!

The film about love and friendship, and sbyche dream and just about life is done so naturally that the audience delighted history, so they would not be bored, so they lured movie and they wanted to keep getting farther and farther behind developing events! The film teaches only good and that you should never give up and that love (as always) save the world!

View necessarily fans of Miss Spears and people who love sweet and beautiful
film about love, friendship, dreams!

p.s.…I`m not a girl, Not yet a woman, All I need is time, A moment that is mine, While I`m in between…

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It will break your heart

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 25 June 2010 08:07 (A review of My Bloody Valentine)

"Slasher" - sub-genre of horror films, which takes its beginning, from Alfred Hitchcock, from the movie "Psycho". The essence of the Source engine as follows: the main character, usually in a mask, kills a photogenic teenagers all possible kinds of bladed weapons, kills beautifully and with particular brutality. In the genre have been and are films such as "Friday 13", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street". Films on this theme could clone hundreds, even thousands, for some it turns out well, some not. "My Bloody Valentine", refers more to the first!

About the film

What actually constitutes a "Valentine" ... Actually nothing special!

The plot is simple and banal, in front of us - a love triangle. Volume, Sarah Palmer.

The history goes back a long time ago. Ten years ago when all the main characters are teenagers, and doing things which are peculiar to their age, ie, drinking beer, and looking for adventure! In one fine night, the whole group gathers in the mines and solves for them to wander, but they meet at the entrance to a miner who begins to violently kill them. Tom remained with him ...

Then the plot throws at us next ten years, the ghosts of the past behind him, Alex is living with Sarah, they had a son, a big house, life seems to be a success, but suddenly the city comes to Tom, to sell that ill-starred mine, which belongs to him by inheritance, in start getting killed ...

Plot is nothing special of themselves does not represent, does not give ground for reflection, not a particularly shocking denouement, in general - the typical stamp! We are slowly and slowly lead from start to finish, lead, leaving it in the way of mountains of corpses and bloodshed.

What to say about the plot: it is not bad, the plot is, which is not peculiar slasher, pripletenie mysticism and psychology, this is in any gate not climbing.

What to say about the visual component: it is very pretty. One of the properties of the genre, it's panoramic views in this regard, all went close, but the beginning we were shown a pair of safety cameras across the city, but all this is done on an amateur level, Patrick Lussat is not a director, master, and did not remove anything from this item that can stay in memory, so do not wait for the movie studio pictures, exciting species, beautiful scenery, to remakes Marcus Nispel, still crawling and crawling ...

The main and fundamental element slasher - this is of course killing, more killing will be bloodier and more beautiful, the more they will like the public. In "Valentine," murder certainly there. They are few, but they were performed on faint little Quartet, with views over the massacre victims is always wrong, the operator somewhere in the party affected and the film's budget, because of which we can not see dismemberment completely. But basically, everything on the level.

Actors: here a different story ... Well done, other words are not there! Committed, teens to their very young age played their roles perfectly. What can we say about them as Jensen Eccles and Kerr Smith, who has a not small cinematic experience.

For serious disadvantage is, heroes, supermen, who as always run at breakneck speed, only to find out the truth without fearing for their lives.

Just irritating cliches, like "Shut in an abandoned house, where for 10 years no one lives, he stands right in the middle of the forest, in the very middle of nowhere."

As a result, we have quite a watch slasher, one or two times, not more. It also can skip past the eye, as the creators stick basic elements of the genre and not a derailment, mainstream slasher, so to speak ...

While at the moment, in his case, remain Nispel, Dansten. These people have potential, and it is their Source engine still remains an icon of the modern genre.

Plot - 6 (plot is nothing new we have not suggested that the old tale in a new way, in general - the standard rails story, and when the outcome began to take on mysticism, this is no good, we're still looking slasher!)

Atmosphere - 7 (Done very well, but before the masters of the genre does not hold, not creating an atmosphere of escalating suspense, moments when to be afraid, for some reason it seems ridiculous, or vice versa.)

Actors - 10 (Come here, without comment, the work on themselves, and feel the desire to create!)

Editing and Cinematography - 9 (All right, what about a bullet through the body in the slo-mo, assembling a good, nothing is clipped, all assembled for the audience, simply and tastefully.)

"My Bloody Valentine" gets away from me, receives well-deserved, its hard ...

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«Scary Just Got Sexy»

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 25 June 2010 08:04 (A review of Supernatural)

My acquaintance with TV series Supernatural was not so long ago. When I started looking I thought - at one time. But after the first half of the first season, I saw this series for many centuries. The idea of someone may seem an old, well, mysticism, demons and all that. In fact, it is not. It's the story about the relationship of two brothers who try to get along with each other and of course family problems. On most series

The first season.

His younger brother, tired that it laid the work that repugnant to him. His elder brother, who loves to work. However, one way or another, they both have to implement it because their father disappeared. That's the idea of the first season. Brothers out on the tiles on the U.S. in search of his father, and destroy a lot of scum. In general, two seasons already have


Continuation of the first of the season, and the pursuit of the brothers. What happened to them, it's terrible. But they tend to focus on the work that they have not seized the mountain. Aware that the world can change for the worse and the fact that Sam could be the beginning of something terrible. The series moves to a new level. Terrifying secrets are revealed. Catch a lot of things on their shoulders. Seasons in the petition was successful, with a good last series and hint at the continuation.

The third season.

Continued. A year after the events of the second season should happen something terrible. To prevent this, Sam, Sam in particular has much to learn that this did not happen. Despite the fact that the series of 16 episodes, the season is not devoid of meaning. We can say the most juice series. But believe me, continue to be "juicy".

Fourth season.

It starts with the best. Sam, erring younger brother who does not envy. It has survived not being who does not want. Dean - been there, where the enemy will send hard. But on their heads dumped, whether good, or bad events. And what happens if the reunited brothers will do nothing, can destroy the entire world and to make the most terrible evil of hell free. But this is not the worst. The worst - a feud between the brothers. One would hope that would never end, the other will be used. But more will be worse.

I also want to note that the season is dedicated to director Kim Mennersu, who died during the filming of a fourth season.

Fifth Season.

The most stressful, very dramatic and just a new season of the show. The brothers reunited. But this is not the end of the end of their tense relationship. They will tolerate and quarrels. But now, it's not about that. That fell on each of them, the worst thing that happened before this. Selecting complex, is particularly complex one of the brothers. Drama, Mystery, humor, loss - all this is in the series but more especially in this season. Though this season has not yet reached the end, I boldly draw the conclusion - the season was a success.

About the series shortly.

At first, it may appear that the series about such serials, fighters from the Devil's evil. Yes series about wrestlers from evil spirits, but he touched a deep relationship of brothers. Mystery - a key part series, but, as I said, the drama - as an important element in the series.

I said very little about TV series, because without disclosing the plot is not completely avoided. Verdict.

, I admit that the road traversed by the brothers really so far away.

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Frozen review

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 25 June 2010 12:27 (A review of Frozen)

Frankly, when I saw the movie poster, I thought, "What is it? Another trash in a spirit of open water? "But since there was absolutely nothing, I reluctantly downloaded and just reluctantly started this film with one thought - postebatsya over tupiznoy, which packed such films a little more than a full ... well, can still arrange a hysterical sopleizliyanie in ZhZhshechke, in the spirit of that for ponaberut to declare all mediocrities, movie shoot, there raaanshe ... and the sky was bluer and the grass greener and thicker beer ... and as they say "rushed".

But suddenly, toward the middle of the movie, I began to understand and be horrified at the same time, because nothing steeper, I have not seen since the "Dark Knight".

On the one hand we have: simple, I'd even say primitive, and celled story about anything, well, got three teenagers in a situation of force majeure, well, understandably try to get between the case skarmlivaya spectator pieces of information about yourself. Well, acting is very poor quality, do not really know how to play, emotions in the frame minimum, (of course not Bella from the twilight with its stone-faced, but still). There are many shortcomings, such as, for some reason, at such a cold girl did not buttoned up the hood, why the snow was at first hard as asphalt, and then, after a 2-day blizzard, you can walk on it just sinking to the ankles, which ultimately at the tourist camp makes a pack of wolves crazy cannibals? " And thousands of small nuances in which one wants to poke his finger.

But despite this, the film has a profound atmosphere, terrific suspense level Karpatnera or Hitchcock (yes I will fly to the tomatoes from the fans above) in certain points and the story even though trite, but its development is incredibly interesting to follow. It's also nice that the writer is friends with the logic, after watching the film is a complete impression, justified action of the characters, events are moving uniformly interesting and understandable. All logical and shelves.

Total. The film is good, I would even say excellent, because all the disadvantages of completely overlap virtues recommended for viewing to anyone who likes suspense, all of whom do not care about genre and all who care about genre, and just want to watch a good movie.

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- I ever did you to anyone. (C)

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2010 02:22 (A review of A Cruel Romance)

We all remember these words from the monologue in Karandyshev extraordinary work of Alexander Ostrovsky's Dowry. The school taught monologues heroes, analyzed the behavior and actions of heroes, especially the conflict, and of course the psychology of Larissa. So far I remember, as it sunk into my soul, this play.

I have a lot of time watching film, the play filmed Eldar Ryazanov. Similarly, the performances in different interpretations seen. Historically, probably fortunate recently in one day I could see Dowry in two forms: a performance in the Theater Workshop of P. Fomenko and the film on television. I am insanely happy that I have had such a wonderful opportunity. And how happy I am that both directors is not a single difference from play. So I will write a general opinion about the play, play and movie.

I can not say that it is brilliant. The genius lies in the fact that the era of plunging into the XIX century, the challenges, issues, themes, love, suffering, frustration and even the final scene, you realize that it's damn true even today.

- I want to know soon whether the woman forgets passionately loved one: the day after parting with him in a week or a month ... (...) On you I will always think with respect, but women in general, after your action, many are losing my eyes. (...) These "gentle, tender look, this whisper sweet love - when every word alternates with a deep sigh - those vows ... And all this in a month is repeated the other, as a lesson learned. Oh, woman! (...) The insignificance of your name! (C)

I fell in love with glowing eyes Nikita Mikhalkov, the only one to see Paratov. All true, and growth, and become, and his eyes and facial expressions, and gestures, and movements, and manners, and a smile, and even men's tears. I believed him. And what a good performance in Larissa Larissa Guzeeva, she is divine. Goddess! Mother Larissa - enchanting, festive, feminine, exquisite Alisa Freundlich "And what about KARANDYSHOV - Andrew soft! Unique matched naitalantliveyshie actors! They deserve the inexhaustible applause, flowers and glory. Great people! Bravo

Each of us must at least once in your life to read this play by Ostrovsky, to see a play on grounds and watch the film Cruel Romance. See, prochuvstovat understand. All so happens in life, like Ostrovsky. Just hurt, as difficult as flowing with tears, and just want to be happy, but eating the forbidden fruit, which is ah, how sweet. After tasting it, we commit the irreparable, terrible mistake, for which you have to pay, to suffer all his life.

I love looking and not found. Looking at me and looking at both the fun. Nobody ever tried to look into my soul, nor from anyone I have not seen compassion, did not hear a warm, cordial words. But to live like a cold. I am not guilty, I was looking for love and did not find it ... there is no light ... nothing to look for. (C)

I would like to wish that every young lady knew his worth, and no man is not allowed to compare themselves with the thing and watch as the fun!

- Do not you see that this woman is created for luxury? Dear diamond expensive and requires frames.
- And a good jeweler.
- That's absolutely true, you said. Jeweller - not a simple mechanic: he must be an artist. (C)

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The collision of two worlds, it looks not so in fa

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2010 01:10 (A review of Dark Oracle)

It's the story about the life of a brother and sister (Lance and Kelly Stone), who met with the other world in the face of a comic book "Black oracle. Moreover, these comics just can not be called soulless pictures. Their characters, too, live and trying to seep into the real world. As a result of these movements changed the reality and people behave quite differently, not as usual. It is with such troubles and had to fight the family Stone. A hint of change gives himself a comic, which originally blank pages are painted in a picture of the future and what is happening.

In fact, the idea really turned out pretty good. Settling, pants still designed for children to read (especially since it first appeared on FoxKids), but the people a little older, too, can enjoy.

It liked the idea of themselves mystical comic book, the more that the series shows a picture of them - in fact it is an integral part of history. The plot also pleased. Gradually, tells where did this very comic, reveals a character. The most emblematic figure of the series is Omen (Christopher Turner), a mysterious guy who has a lot of mysteries. Sami attempts to enter the comic book characters in our world and live in the body of real people (such as episodes of the series is) deserve special attention - this is the most interesting part. In fact, precisely because of this fact, I watched him.

The only downside is that the series, because of its focus on the young audience, turned out not so gloomy and mystical, how could it do if calculated for an adult audience. But even without that he is not deprived of many advantages.

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Life under the camera flashes

Posted : 14 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2010 09:34 (A review of 8th Ocean)

Actually, I am not a fan of any reality show and the world of fashion and modeling business is from me somewhere behind the seven seas. But the show "8th & Ocean" has not left me indifferent.

Of course, it's hard to tear the guy on the television program, which is on the screen all the time telling about the life of young models. But the essence of the show not even a pretty face.

Model business was hard work (though I did not think that's cherezcher difficult or even simple). The main characters live not only full of joy and partying life under the rays of spotlights, but also experience, fight, betray, love and hate. In general - like all other people. And sometimes the situation escalates so that leaves just one question: where is rolling this world?

Stars of the show - beginners model nevertheless also true. But it is not only because of the beautiful pictures. I was most impressed with the life of twin sisters Kelly and Sabrina Eldridge. It's not only the most beautiful girls on the project, but their relationship and rivalry (and imagine how difficult it is to the eternal world of competition to work before the camera, when close to you should your almost exact copy of) cause a wild interest. These nerves, tears, feelings, and victory is impossible not to empathize. Yes, and the life of other participants is also not uniform.

So beautiful girls (guys do not undertake to assess - let them will understand a great half of the audience) and an interesting story of real (not feigned
before the television camera's life) still deserves attention.

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